Productive Procrastination?

When you read “productive procrastination” what did you think? Ridiculous? Fair.

I’m writing about this concept (I thought I invented it until I Googled it…) for a good reason. I’m trying to ‘positively reframe’ procrastination. And I’m doing so…why? Well, since the new year I’ve been doing a lot of procrastinating. And distracting myself. They’re cousins. And I want to understand what's going on and make something positive out of it if I can.

Is it possible that I'm on my way to productivity as I meander? Maybe. I tell myself I need a new computer (really?)…and that process takes a bunch of hours with all the driving to the store and back and migrating data. What a great distraction from finishing the amazing book “The Journey of the Heroic Parent,” (more on that soon) as well as planning and strategizing for the year that’s 1/24th over already. Ugh.

I tell myself that I just haven’t kick started into FULL MODE yet, if that’s a thing. I’m happily working and feel fully present when I’m with my clients, but something is nagging at me. Oh goodness, is it the SHOULD MONSTER!? Yes! He, she, or it is whispering repetitive notions in my ear such as, “you should be doing more right now”, or “Why haven’t you _______ (fill in the blank) yet?”

I do my best to walk my talk. So today (or tomorrow, shoot, the sun just set!) I will do my best to quiet the SHOULD MONSTER’S annoying demands. Honestly, the best I can do today and tomorrow and the next day is to be kind to myself and do my best to grow and learn as I stumble imperfectly through this life. Simple, not easy.

And I’m going to give myself permission to accept that sometimes I’m simply not productive. And other times when I try to push it, like with New Year’s resolutions, for example, it doesn’t work. And other times, I’m hit with inspiration on a random Wednesday at 5pm. Cool.

One more thing that’s sort of related: a dear friend shared with me that her New Year’s INTENTION, is, "to be kind and forgiving to myself.” I like i!. How about you?


Happy new year! How much longer can I legit offer that greeting? A few more weeks. I made up that rule. I'm focusing on the date because I have not published a blog post since November 29th. 2017. I Skipped right over the holidays. It wasn't my plan. It just happened.

"It just happened" is a phrase people use to explain why they did something, or maybe didn't do something. Not my favorite. I consider it an excuse, especially when I utter it. I can only speak for myself here when I say that "it just happened" lacks accountability. So instead of leaving it at that, I will explain why I have not blogged in over two months.

I've procrastinated. I've lacked the follow through required to think, write, edit, re-write, publish, and 'broadcast' my message on social media and via email. There, I said it. Hey, I've written a lot of potential blog posts that I just didn't finish. I've jotted down ideas for future blogs but didn't write them. Truth be told, I haven't been too busy either. I simply haven't done it. So I don't have an excuse, just an explanation.

Why does this matter to you? Maybe it doesn't, but if it does it may be because you can relate to having put things off until, well, later.

How does this relate to relationships? Can you come up with some things you've put off in your relationships? Do any of these sound familiar?

-Avoiding speaking to your spouse or partner about finances

-Wishing you and your neighbor can resolve 'that issue' but not doing anything about it

-Hoping your child will decide for her or himself to reduce screen time, but not using your parental authority to create a new structure to support it, regardless of your child (temporarily!) being angry with you

-Shying away from the talk you need to have with your aging parents about their end of life wishes

-Sidestepping the direct conversation you want to have with a loved one about how their substance abuse is affecting you

Do you have a plan to take that next first step in your life and relationships that will move you forward in 2018...or simply move you forward today? What is it? What's your anti-procrastination plan today?

Start something new today.

Happy New Year! What?

This is a great time of year to start something new. Soon we will be back from our summer vacations, and the kids will be back in school. It's my personal January 1st for these reasons and more.

What might this mean for you, practically? Are you ready for a change? Are you prepared for this change? Properly educated, healthy enough? Is your ‘start’ preparing to become pregnant for the first time, or again? Are you going to run a marathon? Get married? Work toward that promotion? Go back to school? Get ready for retirement? Shift your energy toward caring for an elderly relative?

Those changes are all big. What about other, smaller changes? Are you going to start walking for fifteen minutes a day for the first time? Will you start eating one more vegetable at dinner tonight? Can you save $10 more per week toward your future? Stop smoking, even if it's eliminating that one cigarette on Saturday night? Spend a few minutes each day sharing appreciations with your significant other? Yes you can!

How? It's about your intentions. Take some time this week to write down some goals. Think big. Think small. It doesn't matter. Writing it down is what matters. Be brave. Write down your intentions in the present tense as if they're already happening. Here's an example:

Yes: I am in a job that challenges me and I'm well compensated.

No: I will get out of this poor paying dead-end job.

Try it and see how it feels to make your intentions/goals a reality. Big and small.